Tuesday, September 21, 2010

ArtLab 2010-2011

Here is  a list of the workshops I intend to offer during ArtLab clubtime:
  1. Shy Drawing, Loud Drawing: learning how to see
    - how speed effects your drawing;
    - learning to see outlines;
    - learning to see negative space;
    - using relationships to help your drawing;
    - warming-up exercises;
    - why tearing up your drawing can be creative;
    - how to make your mistakes useful
  2. Why use a sketchbook?
  3. Perspective: a perspective
  4. Using projection: large group drawings
  5. Drawing Storyboards 1: Characters and Places
  6. Drawing Storyboards 2: 99 ways to tell a story
  7. Basic Photography: using the darkroom as a camera
  8. Basic Photography: taking the photograph 'for a walk'
  9. Ceramic Sculpture 1: basic form building
  10. Ceramic Sculpture 2: working from a model
  11. Sculpture from mixed materials
  12. Printing techniques 1: scratch & compress
  13. Printing techniques 2: layering
  14. Painting: using paint, mixing colours
  15. Painting: a portrait
  16. Painting: a story
  17. Performance art: the classics
  18. Performance art: your own
  19. Site-specific art
  20. New media art

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